Tammy, originally from the town of Rehovot lives today in Jerusalem. She is the Director of Signing Anew, an Israeli NGO that supports with social action organizations.
She was raised and educated in a Masorti (Conservative) home and is a long-time member of the Adath Shalom Emanual congregation in Rehovot. She served as a combat soldier at the Caracal Battalion in the IDF back when only a few women joined combat units.
Tammy serves as a board member of the World Zionist Organization
And has been a member of the Women of the Wall for the past 15 years and is currently the organization’s vice chair.
Women of the Wall (Neshot HaKotel) is a multi-denominational Jewish feminist organization that holds monthly prayer services for women on Rosh Hodesh and whose goal is to secure the rights of women to pray at the Western Wall in a fashion that includes singing, reading aloud from the Torah and wearing religious garments (tallit, tefillin and kippah).